Earned Value

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What is EVPM?

EVPM Earned Value Performance Management (EVPM) is designed to give senior management an accurate overview of Corporate/Project performance. It builds on information provided by traditional scheduling techniques to plan and measure the overall productivity of a system or project.

Do most projects succeed?

On an industry wide basis, there are many “project management” successes reported. Unfortunately, most serious studies indicate there are significantly more failures than successes. Some industries (software, electronics, administration, etc.) experience project failure rates as high as 90% (ie projects completed late and/or over budget or failing to meet client expectations or requirements).

So the answer is a resounding NO most projects don’t succeed.

How can EVPM help to turn this around?

Who uses EVPM?

The foundation of EVPM was the Cost / Schedule Control Systems Criteria (C/SCSC) originally defined in the USA in 1967. EVPM has traditionally been used in Defence Projects with budgets in excess of $100 M. A recent change in Defence standards has pushed the threshold down to $40 M. Private industry is now implementing EVPM for major projects, which are large, complex or geographically dispersed.

Why use EVPM?

To facilitate responsible decision-making by providing a valid, timely and auditable control system which is capable of:

When to use EVPM?

There are three reasons to use EVPM.